Submission to the B.C. Rental Housing Task Force

Cover page - BCGEU Submission to the Rental Housing Task Force

As part of their efforts to make housing more affordable in the province, the BC NDP government put together a taskforce to look into changes that could be made to the Residential Tenancy Act to improve protections for renters. This task force spent much of June and July speaking to communities and accepting written submissions as part of their consultation.  

As one of BC's largest unions, tens of thousands of our members are renters and will be directly affected by the changes this task force recommends. That's why we made a submission to this task force with recommendations that fall under the following three categories:   

  1. Resourcing and reforming the Residential Tenancy Branch 
  2. Reforming residential tenancy law and regulations 
  3. Increasing the supply of affordable rental housing 

Click here to download a PDF of the full submission.